I'm typing kind of late tonight as we are leaving on a vacation to Estes Park with our WHOLE family!! I'm so excited, but there are a million things to be done before we go.
Tonight we walked about the "A" in the acrostic PRAISE (praise, repentance, acknowledgement, intercession, supplication, and equipping.) "A" for acknowledgement. Acknowledging that Jesus is the Lord, King, Authority, Boss, Large and In Charge.
Lord=power-authority-influence, master, ruler.
Of whom??
(Or should it be "of who?" I don't think so...)
Everyone. It's not a matter of making Him the Lord. He is the Lord of ALL. Whether they believe in Him or not, He is still Lord. It's just a matter of whether we fight Him for control or if we are willing to let Him be the King. Verses we felt backed this up: Isaiah 55:8-12; Revelation 1; Psalm 139; Romans 14:11; and Philippians 2:9-11, which we felt kind of said it all:
Therefore, God elevated Him to the place of highest honor
and gave Him the name above all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth
and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Why don't we let God be the King/Boss?
- We are Flesh People. (Doesn't that sound like a Creature Feature movie??)
- We sin.
- We want the control. ( For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.--Jeremiah 29:11)
- We think we know best and can advise and counsel God. (Job 38 and 39)
- We think God will do something we don't like--like send us to Africa or make us sell everything and live in a hovel or make us marry someone who is below our standard. (“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. --Matthew 7:9-12
- We are not able to plan our own course.--Jeremiah 10:23)
- I think all these boil down to the fact that we don't trust God. But, how can you trust someone you don't know??? You have to know Him to trust Him. And just going to a Bible study is not enough. Here's my story:
My father was Roy Rogers. Really. My dad was not THE Roy
Rogers, but that was his name. He eloped with my mom, Eileen, when they were
young, had two boys in 5 years, then had 13 years with no new babies. Then I
came along and, four years later, my sister.
So I was the doted-on little girl that they’d waited for and
I was pampered and loved by all my family. Even though we were just an average
middle class family, my parents loved to give gifts, so I don’t remember too
may things that I wanted but didn’t get. My mother was an excellent sale
shopper extraordinaire, so I was, truthfully, the best-dressed kid in my
elementary school. Christmas found many, many presents under the tree. I also got the best grades in my class.
If there was an honor to be had, I usually got it.
We went to church, and my parents were believers, but
somehow I didn’t ever get the message that being good was not good enough to
get to heaven.
I remember thinking about death, even in elementary school.
And I remember thinking, “Oh, I’ll get to heaven. Good things always happen to
Every summer I would go visit one of my brothers and his
family for three weeks or so. The summer when I was 14 I came to Lincoln to
visit them as usual. I remember watching “Marcus Welby” and there was a patient
who found out she had a disease and she was going to die. That got me thinking.
“Hmmm. What would it be like for that woman to know she was
going to die?” And I kept watching the show.
“Hmmm. My grandma knew she was going to die. I wonder what
she thought.” And I kept watching the show.
“Hmmm. What would it be like if I knew I was going to die?
And, suddenly, it was like a ton of bricks fell on my
shoulders. I DID know I was going to die!!! I was terrified.
I figured that I was the only person on earth who had ever
had this revelation. And I figured that God had shown me this because it was
going to happen THAT NIGHT. I was doubly terrified! I went to bed and prayed
and bargained with God all night long. I made myself physically sick the next
day worrying about it.
So, obviously, I didn’t die that night. So I must’ve
mis-read the signs. It was going to be that week. Then that month. Then that
year. Every cold I got was going to turn to pneumonia and I’d die. Every
thunderstorm was going to turn into a tornado that would target my house. Every
trip we took was going to end with a bloody car accident. And, somehow, I did
not tell anyone how scared I was. For four or five months I kept it all hidden.
That fall I went to a Christian concert (very rare in those
days). The group sang some “rock” songs about the Lord and then one of the guys
spoke. I don’t remember much of what he said, but I remember him saying that if
he died he did not want a sad funeral—he wanted a party because he KNEW he’d be
celebrating in heaven. I wanted that so badly.
So at the end he asked anyone who wanted this sort of a
relationship to come forward. I wanted to go. We sang “I Have Decided to Follow
Jesus.” I really wanted to go. I saw it so clearly that night. I was at
a fork in the road. I could either decide to follow Jesus or to NOT follow
Jesus. There was no turning back for me. We sang about the 112th
verse of that song and I finally got up my nerve to go forward.
I’ve tried to remember just what was in my mind when I
walked down that aisle. Did I realize that I was a sinner and that only God
could save me through Jesus? I honestly don’t remember. I DO know that man had
something and I wanted it. Badly.
That night I was not afraid of dying anymore. It was such a
Have I ever been scared of dying again? Sure. But I read
where Corrie Ten Boom’s father told her that a father wouldn’t give a child his
train ticket before they need it, and God won’t give you the strength and
courage to face something until you need it, until the right time. So I just
trust that God will give me the courage to die well when my time comes. I’m not
supposed to be able to handle that yet.
Also, I like to tell this story to emphasize that my parents
knew nothing about what I was struggling through. So, if I feel like my kids
are not being spoken to by God, or I feel like they’re not looking for His
answers, I try to remember that it’s not always something I can see. God will
work in them like He worked in me. He’ll know where they are and what they need
and when they need it.
We read our Bible and then meditate (think about, ponder, reflect upon). We can read various ways, character studies, book by book, Bible reading plan.
We pray and LISTEN.
We spend time with other believers. And not just to go bowling, but to sharpen each other--accountability.
We REMEMBER things God has done in the past.
Do you know that you know that you know that you KNOW Jesus??