Friday, September 5, 2014

9-6-14 Get ready to be Loved!!

Here's the picture of me heading off to Chemo #3. And, for my photographer brother, I know that Luke's picture makes it look like I have feathers coming off my head--I liked it that way!!! Made me feel kind of like the Statue of Liberty!

So, I am halfway done. I know I should be feeling this great sense of accomplishment. What I feel is disheartened because I have to go through this three more times. Sometimes it just feels like more than I can do. I have to remember that it IS more than I can do. God will sustain me and carry me.

Last Tuesday I went in for my post-chemo neulasta shot, which is the shot that encourages my blood to become strong again. (For your own information, six years ago they could do that shot at the end of chemotherapy, but the insurance company has determined that it is better to make a patient come in the next day. Just 'cuz, I guess.) They called me back for the shot and the nurse said, "Any side effects?" I had never mentioned my light headedness to the office, figuring it was a normal side effect. But, this time I said, "Oh, I'm a little dizzy." The nurse said, "Since you're here do you want me to take your blood pressure?" I agreed, since I was there. She took it and its was 80/40!! (Normal is about 120/80!) She said, "I'm going to have to talk to a doctor." I had to have two liters of fluid, which took about two hours, but I sure felt better when it was done.

Dealing with Chemo Tip:   I think I told you before that I had my head shaved during Week #1 - Post Chemo. It was pretty short, but I still had nubs. Until Week #3 - Post Chemo, when quite a few of the nubs took loose and fell out. But not all. Then during Week #3 - Post Chemo #2 more nubs fell out. But not all. It would look better if they just ALL fell out. But I couldn't get them to let loose. So, here's my neat idea for getting that totally skinhead look--duct tape. I put duct tape on my nubs and then pulled. Got quite a few of those babies, too!  :) Next week is Week #3 - Post Chemo #3. We'll see if the last hangers-on come out.

I've been reading various cancer books and twice in the past week I have seen a quote to the effect that once you are diagnosed with cancer, "Be prepared to be loved." I have found that to be so true. I get encouraging emails and cards almost every day--and I love every single one of them. When I go to church I feel like a rock star! People tell me they are praying for me all the time. It really DOES make you realize how blessed you are with friends!!

Have a great weekend!!




  1. Your 'cup' was too empty, they filled you up and you felt better. You're half way through. Your cup is HALF FULL not half empty. It's OK to whine a little though. Even Jesus said, "take this cup from me!" But he also said- Your Will, Your plan, Your cup! For this last few months I pray that your CUP will not just be half full but will OVERFLOW with praise and amazement with all that the Lord has done in your body and in your heart. That HE alone can fill your cup DAILY. That the cup you have been given will be like the cup given at the end of the match. A trophy, declaring that you and God, your partner, have finished this match the VICTORS.
    Much love to you and yours.

  2. Kitt, so glad you are feelin' the LOVE from us all. May God continue to encourage you on the hard days. Praying.
