Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10-29-14 LAST ONE!!!

Well, yesterday was the LAST CHEMO…EVER!!! (I figured I'd play the optimist with that prediction!) It's crazy, but I was more anxious and nervous about this one than any of the past ones. I figure maybe it was because for every single other chemo I have had at least two days where I felt normal and I had zero normal days this time. But, I made it through.

The doctor said she is not sure if she can feel the tumor or if it's just scar tissue (since the tumor was kind of right near the old scar.) I have an MRI scheduled for the 17th (we have to wait a while so this chemo has a chance to work), then I see the doctor on the 18th and have blood work and get cleared for surgery. I go straight to the surgeon after than and he checks me out and then schedules surgery--they said it would probably be the same week!! Then let the real recuperating begin!!

I am waiting for my ride now to go get my $7,500 shot, then will camp out on the couch the rest of the day…errr..week. But I keep thinking, "This is the last time. This is the last time." It's a good feeling. Makes up for the shaky legs and jittery fingers and icky taste in my mouth and light-headedness.

The elder prayer session was very special to me. I sort of hoped I'd feel this burning in my boob which would indicate the tumor was exploding or dying or something, but no… Maybe God chose to work a little more non-dramatically.

That's all for me right now. Just thought I'd share my joy with you!!




  1. I am happy to hear this ordeal is almost over for you. Thank you for sharing candidly. Many are blessed through your testimony.

  2. Exploding boobs are usually not a good thing anyway. BUT...Prayer is a wonderful and powerful mystery.
