Let's just get it out there. The report was bad…cancer has returned.
That's really all I know at this point. I will meet with my oncologist next week to look at what to do. I don't know if it's big or little or aggressive or slow. Is it the same cancer as last time or a new one?
I am sad. Very sad. And kind of in shock, although I will say that I just "had a feeling" it was going to be bad news. I tried to pass that off as just my German pessimistic genetics, but I guess maybe those genes are right sometimes.
I don't mind people knowing, but I hate the telling. So, I have emailed or texted some of you instead of calling.
We're still planning on making a trip to Arkansas this weekend. I can sit around here stewing and fretting or I can go see my sister and brother and nieces and nephews and take my mind off my troubles, right?
So, that's the news. I'll write more later, I'm sure. You know that is how I process things.
Wondering if I'll need that Asian wig…chin-length, black hair with bangs?

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